Elysium Watch: The Podcast


Patrick Cotnoir noticed a poster for the 2013 motion picture Elysium hanging in a subway station in 2019 and has been taking a picture in front of it every day since. This podcast is for people who like this and want more.

Featuring Connor Ratliff, Bobby Moynihan, and Fast Company reporter Joe Berkowitz.

Perhaps it was just the poster’s time. After six years and 38 days, an MTA employee realized the error and put up a Doc Martens poster where Elysium once proudly hung. On the other hand, perhaps the selfie series and subsequent podcast caused such an undeniable mild stir that it actually drove the MTA to act. Someone with a wild imagination might even speculate that Blomkamp himself secretly made some calls and had it removed. We may never know the answer for certain.”

- Joe Berkowitz, Fast Company