Way Past Your Bedtime
Logan with his mom (Shannon O'Neill) and guests Lauren Duca (Teen Vogue) and John Reynolds (Search Party, Stranger Things)
"Way Past Your Bedtime" was a talk show at the UCB Theater in Chelsea where Connor Ratliff played a 7-year old boy named Logan Foster Wallace. Logan hosted a talk show in his bedroom after he's supposed to be asleep. Real guests sneak in "through the window" and enter Logan's world. His sidekick is a stuffed rabbit (Alex Song), the warm-up comic is the monster in the closet (Sebastian Conelli), and the house band is made up of his toys (Casey Jost, Becky Chicoine & Andy Bustillos).
The tone of the show was intended to combine the whimsy of Pee-Wee's Playhouse with the conversational stylings of Dick Cavett (and some Henson-ian sincerity and emotion thrown in for good measure).
Through the run, guests included Richard Kind, Lauren Duca, Aparna Nancherla, Ira Glass, Matt Walsh, Sasheer Zamata, John Gemberling among others.